Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 22

Today's favor was about family. I received a request from my mother to help her with tension in her low back and shoulder. For the past few months she has literally been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. All of her willingness to bear these burdens took its toll on her body.

The real significance of this request was the fact it was made by my mother. She rarely asks anything for herself and always is the first to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. My mother demonstrated to me that it is possible to love someone and yet not love their actions. She showed me family is not just biological; it means being there for one another, accepting each other without exception and it means being willing to start over again and again with one another. When all of these elements are present, you are in the presence of family. In this sense, my family far extends beyond my nuclear one; it encompasses anyone I meet who I do not see as separate from me.

After enjoying a delicious meal, my mom asked if I could help her with her pain in her back. I showed her some exercises on the floor that entailed using a foam roller. As she lay on the roller, she spoke about all of the struggles she endured the past year and about her anxiety regarding the future. I listened and told her it was OK and that she was fine and that her back would be much better just by talking about her fears. I also explained to her that the pain in her low back appeared to be associated with a tension in her shoulder. Trusting me, she began to relax the muscles in her neck and shoulder areas and took several deep breaths per my instructions. Then she stood up and I helped her stretch specific muscles in her back and shoulders.

Within a few minutes, her back pain lessened and her face looked less strained. It was an amazing moment: I, the daughter, and she, my mother, reversed traditional roles: I became the teacher and she, the student. We both learned the importance of reaching out to family and to being willing to admit we need help from one another. I am honored my mother asked me to help her and happy I could offer her some relief from the many burdens she chooses to shoulder. Family is being home and I am when I am with mine.

Regarding the photo, this is one of my mom's favorite pictures of me...I guess I will always be her little girl!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 21

Today's favor was about true love. I received a request from a new friend asking me to help him evaluate his career goals and aspirations through some life coaching exercises. He recalled from one of our previous conversations, that prior to teaching Pilates, I led small groups in my home and saw clients privately as a life coach.

We met at a coffee shop in Los Angeles and were fortunate to have a large section of the outdoor patio available to only us. Our conversation began with us exchanging the usual pleasantries and with me asking him what he hoped to accomplish during our session. He paused for a moment and then said, "Actually, what I really want to talk about is my reaction to something you said in a past conversation. It really made me think."

Puzzled, I scanned my memories of conversations past and replayed my words as best as possible, yet unable to glom onto any one particular statement of note. Finally, after several moments that seemed like an eternity, I responded, "What did I say?" He sat up tall in his chair and then leaned into the table slightly with rounded shoulders and uttered the following in a low voice, "I asked you why you were single since you seem like such an amazing woman and you said it was because you needed to learn how to love yourself completely before you could give a man unconditional love and that you were open to that now but not in a hurry to have it."

Taking a careful sip of his steaming coffee, he remained silent for a moment and then continued, "I thought that was so brave of you to say to me, so refreshing to hear something other than the usual canned LA-girl response of 'I'm picky or I won't settle.' You don't know me that well and yet you said those words with confidence and sureness. It really made me think about my life and that I need to learn that too: I need to learn how to love myself fully before I can have a serious relationship again. I guess what I really want to accomplish today is to say thank you."

Beyond stunned, I searched for the words to form a response, but found none. Instead, a gentle laughter filled the air and I at last said, "Wow, that was the last thing I expected to hear during our session today. I'm touched that what I said meant so much to you and happy it was helpful. You are very welcome."

It seems the only constant in life is that it is never constant. It continuously changes in unexpected ways. It is our choice to see these unexpected occurrences as deterrents from our pre-set agendas or as a gift to help us look at something or someone in a slightly different way without a sense of loss of purpose or destination. Each favor shares in common the fact that the real meaning or purpose is not evident upon a superficial inspection; it is only through reflection and introspection its true essence reveals itself to me. Thank you to all of you for helping me to continue on this journey to see what really is and not what I perceive it to be.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 20

Today's favor was about encouragement. I received a request asking me to encourage a friend of a friend to attend a special conference. On the surface the Favor seems simple, yet upon digging deeper a more complex nature revealed itself to me.

What does it really mean to encourage another human being? Does it mean to offer them unconditional support; does it mean to help them look beyond their perceived limitations or does it mean to allow the person to be? Can encouragement be silent in its demands and only require another to look at him or herself without judgment? These were just some of the many questions I struggled with when exploring how to accomplish this favor.

It occurred to me that genuine encouragement may only be achieved when we do not take the outcome of another's choice personally. In other words, we need to separate ourselves from a specific desired outcome and instead be open to what the other wants to happen. I realized I could not grant this favor in the way originally requested. The only way to truly encourage another was to see the individual for who he is and not what others project upon him. I did not arrive to this conclusion until late into the discussion with the friend. I paused after hearing his resistance to attending the conference and allowed my mind to be open to what he said.

Our meeting was no longer about getting him to do something the other friend asked, it evolved into giving him the freedom to be. To be or not to be, that is the real question as Shakespeare wisely noted, and I recognized the importance of telling this man who sat next to me that all he needed to do was to show his friend the real him. He needed to stop trying to live-up to his friend's expectations and to instead share his actual self. The favor was about encouraging him to be him rather than trying to get him to change his position in favor of the requested favor. In the end, I became aware encouragement means to allow another to live their life by their own intention rather than by our expectations. Whether he goes or does not go to the conference is irrelevant; all that matters is that he reveals his true self to others without fear of judgment.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 19

Today's favor was about integration. The strange thing about integration is that sometimes we are unaware we are lacking it until we are asked to find it by another. This was the case for today's favor. Today was different because instead of giving a favor, I received one.

During the past few weeks I have met so many amazingly wonderful individuals. One person, Jonathan, offered to do me a favor as his his favor request. He asked me what would be the most helpful to me and I responded, "I want to learn more about Yoga." Ever since the Favor request from Day 9 asking me to recommend a good yoga studio, determination set-in to understand Yoga on a deeper level and to face my fear of taking classes. It just so happens, Jonathan is an Iyengar Yoga instructor. He beamed upon hearing my request and said, "That would be great, let's meet out in a park in Santa Monica, overlooking the Pacific."

Today was our first session together. After parking and grabbing my mat and water I made the short trek to our meeting spot in the park. The sun shone on each individual blade of grass and gave off a warmth unlike any I experienced before. Suddenly, all the worry evaporated and I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be at that moment. I saw my teacher seated and basking in the light offered by the mid-morning rays. Jonathan smiled broadly and told me to get comfortable and sit on top of my mat.

Over the next approximately 90 minutes, he instructed me on the basics of posture, balance and flow from the Iyengar viewpoint. I was struck by how similar his teaching style was to mine with Pilates. We both use vivid word imagery and cues to activate different muscle groups; We both modify exercises to the individual's body rather than ask their body to do the movement in a "perfect" way; We both love teaching and being a part of our student's experience.

The toughest thing about our session for me was to let go and to let him teach and to let me be the student. Sensing my inner-conflict, Jonathan wisely said the following, "Let go of the pose, become the observer rather than the doer." Let's explore this further, "Become the observer, not the doer." In other words, take yourself out of the way and let the experience unfold without an investment in the final outcome. Experience the experience for the experience. Hearing these words echo in my ears, something deep within me let go and all of a sudden my body felt like one flowing, moving piece rather than separate, different elements held together by fear. I felt muscles work together rather than in opposition; I realized that in all of my focus to create a stable core and body overall, I forgot to remember the importance of ease of movement and flow. When something flows it is because it is integrated seamlessly; when something resists movement it stems from fear that movement will cause pain or instability. I needed to release my fear of pain before I could move without it.

At the end of the session, I felt more grounded, stable and free than I had in recent memory. I see now the benefit of combining Yoga and Pilates. Separately,each has value, but together 1+1=3! Jonathan is a gifted instructor and offers his gifts at several local studios on the west side of LA and also holds a weekly group class by donation in the park at Ocean and Palisades every Saturday at 10 AM. Please contact me if you are interested in scheduling a session with him or for information about his Saturday class. Thank you, Jonathan and Namaste!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 18

Today's favor was about comfort. I received a request from a friend out of the area asking me to contact one of her close LA-based friends and see if she needed help with anything. My friend told me she wished she could personally do a favor for her friend, but logistically it was tough to manage. I said, "Don't worry, I will be able to help on your behalf. Just send me your friend's info and I will do the rest."

After a few rounds of phone-tag, I connected with the intended favor recipient. At first the woman seemed hesitant to receive any sort of help or favor; I persisted, "It does not have to be something big...our friend just wants you to have a small lift to your day!" I offered a few suggestions and hearing these she chose one and replied, "OK, I love coffee. How about taking me out for coffee?" I happily agreed and we scheduled a time to meet in Marina del Rey (her neighborhood).

As soon as I entered the coffee shop she chose for us to meet, I knew the favor was about much more than just a hot, caffeinated beverage...I just could not articulate it yet. I ordered both of our drinks and sat at a small table she selected earlier. The table's wood shimmered in the reflection of the mid-day sun and again I had a feeling our meeting was a catalyst for something greater than previously imagined.

The drinks arrived and we both sipped them slowly and munched quietly on our respective lunches. I showed the woman my blog on my MacBook and told her the coffee favor would be shown tomorrow. She asked me to tell her the impetus for the 32 Favors project which I did and then when I finished the seemingly epic tale, she added, "Wow! I think this is exactly what is needed right now. So many people are struggling...What a great idea." We continued to chat freely and soon discovered we are both on a similar path of self-discovery just in different forms.

Hearing her words seemed like an echo of my my voice and it was then I realized what the favor was really about: we both are in need of comfort. For her, comfort is necessary to feel good about a recent tough decision and for me I need comfort to know it is OK to ask for what I want. Our commonality did not go ignored and it seemed as though both of us felt the graceful similarity of the other by the end of our coffee meetup. We entered as strangers and left our meeting as known friends.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 17

Today's favor focused on the concept of wonder. I received a request asking me to give a sundae to a child. While this seems simple enough and very sweet in its intent, the actual execution of such a favor is difficult. Unfortunately we live in times of child abductions, tainted Halloween candy and other atrocities. While my intentions are 100% pure, I thought it may appear odd or dangerous from the perspective of a parent if I randomly offered to buy a child a sundae.

Taking some license with the request, I instead chose to treat someone I knew already and his "inner child" to a grown-up version of a sundae: gelato. There is a great spot for gelato in Los Feliz, which was ideal since I was still feeling a tad under the weather and did not wish to travel far from home.

I met my friend outside the shop tonight and told him to pick out any three flavors with the only requirement being he had to eat every bite. What happened next amazed me...As soon as we opened the door, it was though we turned back the clock. His eyes seemed to dance with wonder and curiosity across the shiny metal containers filled to the rim of brightly-colored flavors of gelato. After sampling at least a handful of flavors, he chose dutch cocoa, cookies 'n cream and vanilla bean. Happily he took the plastic cup containing his delectable scoops of gelato from the clerk. My friend took his first bite and then told me how he had not had gelato since his Italian grandma visited nearly fifteen years ago right before her death. He shared how all of his grandma's aches and pains would melt away at the first taste of the yummy dessert. Saying this his eyes misted briefly and then he said, "Thank you, Nanci. I had no idea how much I associated the love for my grandma with the taste of gelato. I feel closer to her than I have in years after taking just one bite." I smiled and told him, "The original favor was to give a sundae to a child. I never expected to give one to your child-within."

Once again as had now become habit, I saw it is sometimes the simplest of favors which have the greatest impact and effect. Who would have guessed my friend would enjoy the memory of what gelato represented after just a single bite? Reminding him of moments of joy from his past allowed him to access the child-like wonder and unencumbered love he once demonstrated as a young boy without any premeditation. What a wonder-filled world!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 16

It is hard to believe the 32 Favors project is 50% done. It seems like yesterday that I awoke from the dream about running high hurdles with a sense of purpose and determination to reach out to others and to hopefully discover my own "balanced place" in the process. One such amazing effect of this project is the many new friendships and fellowships I now have with like-minded people. One new friend, Erin Pearson was so inspired by the 32 Favors idea she offered to write a theme song for me. I included the link to her myspace music page on the side column of the blog where you can hear a rough cut of it. Thank you Erin! You are beyond talented.

It might be said that I chose to take the road less traveled. However, taking the less traveled approach may be anything but a smooth ride...

I received a favor request to assist with Team in Training's Santa Monica group. I was supposed to arrive at the practice session and help hand out water and snacks to the runners. I woke up at 6 AM on the dot. I left my apartment at 7:15, planning to arrive at the meeting point no later than 8 AM. Living in Hollywood has its perks and also its hassles. One such hassle from a traffic perspective is the Academy Awards. There were numerous road closures, detours, etc and so I opted for the freeway. Within a short period of time, I realized this was a poor choice. For some reason the freeway had several lanes closed and my only option was to exit and try side streets if I had any hope of arriving in time for the practice session.

After a multitude of twists and turns I found myself at the right location, but did not see the large gathering I expected. Rather I saw a few people setting up tables and one petite woman with a clipboard. I introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Nanci from 32 Favors. Where do I go to help?" The woman smiled warmly and said I would need to drive about three miles away since the hospitality team already left. I drove to the new location and parked. After scouring the intersection and surrounding businesses and streets, I could not find the rest-stop. I called the organizer and she said for me to just come back to the original spot and that I could help with the bone marrow donor registration. For one moment, I felt weariness set in and I hesitated and then decided to say, "OK, just tell me what will be most helpful." Once back at the original location, the organizer introduced me to the registration team who quickly explained the registration process and pointed to stacks of forms, envelopes, pens and stickers. I digested the information quickly and told myself to focus on the task at hand. Within moments, our table overflowed with interested donors and I reminded myself to try and stay calm even in the chaos of thrusting forms, numerous questions and needing to repeat the same set of instructions to each person. Shortly, I developed a flow and an ease with the process and time flew quickly.

When it was over, we registered a little over 100 people. Everyone involved in Team in Training appeared grateful for my willingness to lend a hand and I felt immensely satisfied with the end result to an other-wise chaotic morning. Their commitment to helping those with cancer is commendable and I strongly support their mission and efforts. They donate 75% of all money raised by team members to cancer charities. The magnitude of people potentially helped by all of our efforts today may potentially far exceed our initial investment. I left the day physically exhausted and yet totally exhilarated in my heart.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 15

Today was about receiving kindness. I awoke this morning in a sort of haze. The past few weeks of late nights, full days and re-evaluting thought processes and patterns left me a tad weary. I planned to attend a meeting in the morning, go for a hike, work on the blog and then take advantage of the favor request sent to me specifiying for me to, "Dream for a day" The requester asked for me to, "Take a day to dream for your self. Remember how you used to dream of things as a child? Daydream as a teen? Take a day for yourself to dream about you, what you want big and small, things you want to do, places to go, romance to be had, passion to experience, your life in 5 years, the fun you will have, the life you deserve, and dream of peace inner and outer."

Such a lovely and thoughtful gift and favor. I could not wait to go for a hike, sit on top of my favorite rock and dream away the rest of the day. It sounded like the perfect way to spend a Saturday. However, perfect days may unfold imperfectly and with an even greater effect than we initially anticipate.

As I drove to my meeting blurry-eyed and uncaffeinated, I noticed my car was driving oddly. It was making a strange noise and felt like I left the brake on. I pulled out of my driveway and the noise continued. A few bystanders pointed to my car and gestured for me to pull-over. One man seeing my need, came over and offered to help me change the apparently completely flat tire. Tears welled up in my eyes behind the protection of my sunglasses and I replied, "Yes, please. That would be wonderful." The tears flowed out of thinking I was not worthy of this kindness in some way and out of being overwhelmed by another's offer to help.

It's ironic to admit this belief in light of the past two weeks of doing favors for others. Through this experience I gained empathy for the struggle so many of us encounter when faced with accepting kindness. We tend to view this acceptance as a surrender and as a symbol of not being self-sufficient or capable. For me to refuse this man's kindness would have been to say his offer was not enough to get me out of my head and destructive thought processes. I would be making a statement my needs were less important than another person's and therefore reflect negatively back on him. Why would he choose to demonstrate his kindness towards one who is not worthy? Surely there must be someone else in greater need...What I realized was that in that moment, no one was in more or less need of kindness than me, which means everyone deserves kindness equally on the level of content. Every one of us in this crazy world looks for validation for our choices; we somehow think if we ask for help it means we made the wrong choice. Otherwise, we should be able to do it alone.

After he swapped the flat for the spare tire, the man looked at me and said for me to hurry along to my meeting; there was still plenty of time and changing the tire took less time than I probably anticipated. I quickly glanced at my watch and saw his words were true; it had only taken 20 minutes; I was only 10 minutes late to the meeting. I realized I had a choice at that moment: I could let the flat tire color my whole day in a negative way or I could literally apply a "patch" to my day and start over. I chose the second option. This choice allowed me to get the tire fixed after being referred by a friendly group member and still take advantage of the favor request given to me to dream for a day. I made one such dream a reality by being able to reset my mind and my attitude even after a stressful start of my day. It is possible to turn back the hands of time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 14

Today was about collaboration. It began as a day where I planned to accomplish two favors. Both favors involved helping those with cancer yet in two very different ways. One asked me to visit a young woman hospitalized for Leukemia. The second favor came to me via another new friend in Santa Barbara. She manages the Team in Training campaigns for her area which raise money for cancer research. A member of her team asked me to help coordinate her transportation to the UCLA bloodbank for a platelet donation. The only logistical limitation was the team member set to donate lived in Santa Barbara yet had no car. We brainstormed ideas for making the trip a reality. We settled on me picking her up at the train station and then dropping her off at the bloodbank while I visited my favor recipient with Leukemia. It seemed an ideal solution to ensure both favors occurred the same day.

Early that morning I received an email and a text message with the most wonderfully unexpected news. The original requester of the Leukemia patient visit told me her whole office was now going to be visiting their ill friend and that I did not need to go. Within moments, an email arrived in my Inbox from the woman in Santa Barbara saying she no longer needed a favor. Someone had heard through me mentioning the request to her team leader, the need for the ride to the bloodbank. It turned out someone from Santa Barbara already planned to visit the bloodbank the next day. In under 10 minutes two favors sent to me, now had others stepping-in to handle them. It was the most amazing moment when I realized the real "favor" had been my intention to ask how I may be helpful to another. The fact I did not actually personally do the specific favors was irrelevant. It was the motivation and desire to be kind which allowed for others to be kind as well. Only two weeks into my project and already I see and experience a tangible shift in other's perceptions and intentions. I wonder what tomorrow and the next two weeks will bring...I can't wait to see!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 13

Today's favor is about surprise. I received a request to take someone out for a lunch who did not expect it. As I considered the favor and who to give it to, I also considered what a surprise really meant. A surprise means something unexpected. It's funny how our interpretation deems anything unexpected as either positive or negative and how that two people may view the same occurrence completely opposite from one another. I chose my favor recipient to be an individual who I knew would see the opportunity for an impromtu lunch as a good thing rather than a distraction from a day already planned.

During my hair appointment I discussed the 32 Favors project with my stylist and mentioned receiving the request to take someone out to lunch as a surprise. Her response: "Wow! What a great idea. Who is the lucky person?" Observing her excitement and positive attitude about the overall concept, I paused, smiled broadly and said, "You!" Stunned, she replied, "Really? Why?" As has now become customary in the process of favor granting, my answer was a simple, "Why not?" Elated she said she needed to check her schedule but would love to come with me. We enjoyed a simple and delicious lunch and when we finished, my stylist hugged me, saying "Thank you so much! I'm going to read all about your blog and forward it to my friends." It seemed as though she wanted to say more, but sensing it would be just as effective unspoken and communicated via a warm smile, I departed quickly and told her to have a great day and to let me know if she would like me to do a favor for someone else on her behalf. A small favor with huge results. Another day, another shift in energy and perception!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 12

Today's favor was about asking for help. The day began with chaos and stress: my alarm did not go off and I woke up to a room filled with much more light than I knew was possible for 5:30 AM (the time I set my alarm for the night before) Panicked, I leaped off of my couch, my bed for the past week since my apartment only has heat in the living room, and frantically threw on clothes. It was 6:25 AM and I had a Pilates session to teach at 6:30 AM. This had never happened since moving to LA and I was sure there was no possible way to get to the Pilates studio in-time since I live a minimum of 15 minutes away. To make matters worse, I knew my client would already have left her home and for some reason I could not find her cell phone number anywhere. I called her home and left an anxious, almost-unintelligible message about me being so sorry, alarm no go off, no have her cell phone number, so, so, sorry.

It was at that moment something shifted. I closed my eyes and asked for help. Rather than keep focusing on what I could not do, (reach her, get there before 6:30 AM, change the situation, go back in time) I chose to ask for help. This small pause cleared my thoughts and I remembered receiving emails from my client and thought maybe she received her emails via her phone. Maybe there was a way to reach her. I flipped open my MacBook and fired off a quick, though deeply apologetic email and then waited. Within moments, my cell phone rang and my client asked if I was OK. I could barely believe what I was this woman, an esteemed professional, most definitely used to having schedules, appointments and punctuality and she asked if I was OK. I told her what had happened with my alarm and she paused and then said, "It's OK. These types of things happen; it has never happened before with you. It's OK. Actually, this is good, I don't live far away and now I can go back and...Nanci, it's OK, just think how happy my daughter will be when she wakes up and sees I'm home and not gone like usual?" Speechless and beyond surprised the reprimand I feared had not come I managed to say “Thank you,” weakly. I’m not sure what would have happened if I did not stop and ask for help.

I received a request from my cousin asking for help studying for her psychology test. Impressed by her dedication to her studies, I happily agreed. At first our lack of physical proximity posed a problem. How could I from LA help her up in the SF Bay area? Stumped but not deterred, I once again paused and asked for help. Remembering a test-prep trick someone once told me, I suggested to my cousin she should try and teach me everything that she needed to know for her exam. The fact that I have a masters in psychology would also serve to offer assistance in case a concept or study confused her. I would play the student and she, the teacher. Sensing great skepticism in her voice and yet hearing her say, “OK”, I hoped this was the right approach. I knew it took a lot for her to ask me for help and she knew I was open to any approach to make it work for both of us. I think it was this unspoken parity that enabled us to be successful.

The collaboration ended up being more healing and helpful to me than my cousin knew: earlier that evening, old relationship patterns threatened to re-emerge even after all of the work taken by me to ensure I only opt to access healthy patterns. I realized I took a step backwards with someone from my past and knew the only way to correct the misstep was to get myself out of the way and ask how I may be helpful to another. Her request was a gift; it reminded me I had value and that the past sources I sought for that affirmation consistently and constantly led to misery. I remember hearing someone mention there is a difference between problems and facts. A problem has a specific solution; a fact just exists. No matter how many different “solutions” I threw at the situation the outcome never yielded the result I wanted. Rather than keep trying to invent more creative, yet ultimately fruitless solutions, I need to accept the situation as a fact and move on to something else that is possible to solve and to yield the outcome I want. If I had not asked for help, I never would have been able to ask how I may be helpful to another. It is possible to view kindness requested and kindness reflected as strength, not weakness.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 11

Today's favor was about flexibility. I awoke this morning with a pre-determined schedule for the day. I was supposed to teach a client, go for a hike with a friend and attend to a new favor.

However, within a matter of minutes after awakening, my whole day changed. My client canceled her session and I received an email from a good friend passing on two names of desired favor recipients and also mentioning that she had surgery this past Friday for the elbow she shattered while snowboarding last Fall and it had not gone as planned. Her words were simple and direct and yet I felt she chose to reach out to me at this particular time for some underlying reason. It was as if I could sense her discomfort and pain. After re-reading the email, all I wanted was to offer to help. I sent her a text message asking if I could be of use to her today since I no longer had a Pilates session to teach and knew I could reschedule the other events for the day. To my delight, she responded, "Yes!"

I drove up to Santa Barbara not sure what to expect for the visit but believing the purpose of today was to help my friend. Upon arriving to her parents' home where she's recuperating, I told her, "You are my favor today. Whatever you need, I'm here to help." At first she seemed uncomfortable with my offer, but then smiled and said, "Great!"

My friend is an avid consumer of healthy food and prefers small farmer's markets to large grocery chains any day. For the first part of her favor, I drove her to the farmer's market and carried a nylon bag to transport her purchases home. As we walked along the long line of vendors, I was struck by my friend's positive attitude and demeanor. Here she is with a shattered elbow, which only now may begin to flex past 50 degrees and yet she is full of energy, life and hope. She is so giving with her time and never shys away from a challenge. I know it took a lot for her to allow me to assist her in the market and I almost cried when she asked me to hold her arm for her while she sipped her cup of hot coffee. The meaning behind her request is what moved me so greatly: for her to ask me to support her injured limb meant she trusted me to the highest degree and allowed herself to lean on me for a little bit of help. If you knew my friend it would make sense why the tears almost flowed...I have never felt closer to her nor more honored to share in another's favor to date.

We returned to her parents' home and enjoyed a lovely dinner in their inviting kitchen. I told them how 32 Favors came to be and they listened attentively, conveying warmth and admiration for the endeavor. I offered to drive my friend home rather than have her parents make the trek. I asked if it was OK to include them on the blog and they kindly agreed. I told them it was my pleasure to do any bit of kindness for their amazing daughter who has been an incredible friend to me. The day did not end the way I expected and defied the greatest of all possible expectations I could have fathomed.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 10

Today's favor once again revisited the concept of forgiveness. I received a request asking me to forgive someone from my past for a real or perceived wrong against me. At first I really struggled with this favor. As I took inventory of the numerous past trespasses others committed against me it seemed impossible to deem one grievance as having a greater negative effect and therefore in greater need of forgiveness than another. I continued to wrestle with executing this favor and was no closer to an answer by the time my support group meeting began tonight. Group members shared personal stories of hardship, struggle and accomplishment. One speaker mentioned how she felt overwhelmed with the chaos within her family. She resented and loved them for their struggles simultaneously. Faced with losing her peace of mind over the uncontrollable situations she found comfort in the familiar verse: "Row, row, row YOUR boat gently down the stream..." She had no influence over another's actions and choices but did have the power to decide how to let these actions affect her peace. She needed to release her expectations on others to make it OK for her and to focus on working on her side of the street and not judging others.

Almost instantly I knew how to accomplish this favor request. I could not forgive just one person from my past for one perceived or actual wrong; I needed to forgive everyone and that included myself. It is said that for those who would not forgive, they keep forgiveness from themselves. If we are all connected, then I cannot selectively forgive on a content level. I may choose to on a level of form but in terms of content, the deeper unity that binds all of us, I must practice and demonstrate forgiveness by not judging others or myself. This does not mean to ignore differences; it merely necessitates not giving away one's peace of mind because of the perception of them.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 9

Today's favor was about facing fear. Often in life we create and form beliefs based on opinions rather than facts. One example of this was the belief held by me that yoga would not be helpful to me because I already taught Pilates. It's odd to admit and reflect upon now, but I believed I needed to shelter myself from yoga's influence because it might have some adverse affect on my Pilates practice or that it might distract me from being Pilates-focused. Reading these words even as I type them, this fear seems irrational and even slightly comical, but for some unconscious reason, I held this belief.

On an even deeper level, I can now see I avoided yoga for fear of failing at it. I deflected this fear by discounting yoga in my mind and turning down numerous invites to attend classes over the past few years. It was not until I received a favor request asking me for help finding the best yoga studios in the Hollywood area that I discovered the actual root to my yoga aversion. Once I realized I passed on classes because I thought I might not do well and was worried with how others would perceive my shortcomings in light of being a Pilates instructor, I decided to make a shift. I told myself that for any decision I made to do or not to do something, the deciding factor could not be fear-based. If it was that I genuinely did not agree with something or had a belief against it, then it is OK not to do it. However, if fear is the basis for my choice not to participate, I vowed to do it anyway and take my fear along with me. This remind me of some sage words told to me by a Pilates client when I asked her what I should do next. She responded, "Jump, and your soul will catch you!"

In the process of researching yoga studios I had to once again get myself out of the way and be open to asking questions and allowing new information into my mind. I called several studios, asked a couple of devoted yogi friends and then shut-up and just listened. I heard the passion behind their words and their belief in yoga echoed in my ears for the first time without fear or threat to my own belief in the practice of Pilates. I plan to attend my first class with a friend later this week and will keep you posted on the experience.

As I related the top yoga studios to the favor recipient I felt at ease with myself and knew I had made a major shift in my overall human experience by making the most minor of shifts in perception. The goal is not to deny fear but rather to look upon it without judgement and then to release the need of it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 8

Happy Valentine's Day! Today's favor was about friendship. I awoke excited and exhausted. Yesterday's favor of delivering flowers for Valentine's was still fresh in my mind and I was eager to return to the shop to collect many flowers to bring to a senior center. However, upon seeing the chaotic scene and frantic flower shop staff racing around to handle last-minute orders, I decided a small bouquet of flowers was a better option. I made a mental note to save visiting a senior center for another day's favor. As soon as I released my need to have the day unfold as I originally planned, a new idea and flower recipient came into my mind and I thought back to my childhood.

As a little girl, I often struggled with bad dreams. In an effort to soothe me and calm my racing thoughts, hopefully preventing nightmares from occurring, my mom bought me several tapes of guided meditation. One tape was called "The Present." I can still hear the calm, steady words echoed by the narrator, "This is a tape about the real meaning of friendship, please listen carefully." The real meaning of friendship?... How often do we set-aside time in our busy days and lives to ponder this simple notion? Usually we create friendships based on needs: our need to have companionship; our need to have someone in our life with similar interests; our need to have someone in our corner; a need to not feel or be alone. What if we welcomed friendships into our world based on a desire to be helpful? How would that shift our perceptions of those in our inner-circles? Would our close friends remain the same or would they change into new faces and new names?

The meditation tape concluded with the following sentiment: a friend is a present you give yourself. Applying and adding the psychological knowledge I learned as an adult; I propose modifying the statement slightly: A friend gives the present to you. Or in other words, a friend reminds you to stay in the moment. I have met such a friend since moving to LA and today I had the opportunity to give back to her in the present in thanks for gently reminding me to live my life in the present. The looks of surprise and joy on her face upon seeing the wrapped bouquet of fresh Valentine's flowers made my day and once again acted as further motivation for me to continue with 32 Favors.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 7

It's hard to believe it has only been one week since beginning my commitment to 32 Favors in 32 days...I have met more people, had more personal insights, and felt more energy in the past seven days than I have during the past year. Today's favor was about service. I received a request from the owner of a floral shop in Sherman Oaks asking for help with her Valentine's orders. The economic downfall impacted her business greatly. In our emails I told her I was available to help her in any way that was helpful.

After a full morning of teaching Pilates, I drove over to the flower shop. The skies darkened and the rain fell hard. Rain in general is an anomaly in LA, heavy rain even more so. It seemed fitting in some respect since it was Friday the 13th, but also odd since less than a week ago it was over 80 degrees and sunny! I assumed I would be spending my day inside the shop, helping to arrange flowers or interfacing with last-minute Valentine's shoppers. However, upon arrival I saw that the owner, while genuinely happy to see me, also had not had time to really think of how to use me. Chaotic frenzy filled the store and I decided to just be still and wait until she had a moment to gather her thoughts rather than to press for what I should do. One of her assistants saw me waiting and asked what I was there for; I answered, "I am here to help." Puzzled, she then questioned, "Why?" My only answer: "Why not."

When the owner finally had a moment of calm she asked if I had a car and if I could help with delivery. I nodded and after pulling up to the curb loaded the arrangements carefully into my Prius. I delivered each bouquet with the assistance of my GPS, getting more and more soaked by the falling rain. I returned to the shop and said the deliveries were complete. The scene inside was even more chaotic than earlier in the day and stress and tension filled the air. I saw the owner's assistant again and she assumed I was done for the day. Shaking my head, I said no, "I am here to help." Loading the Prius again with orders I drove through even heavier and more intense rain. The second to last delivery brought me to a law firm. After placing the gorgeous arrangement on the desk and looking like a drowned rat, I assumed the receptionist would want me to exit right away. However, she took an extra moment and smiled at me saying, "Thank you so much for coming out in this weather; I really appreciate it. Is there anything I can do for you?" I said I was delivering flowers for free today as a favor and so if she could validate my parking, I would be most grateful. She said it was against company policy but that she would do it as a favor to me. It was an amazingly brief exchange in linear time and yet a massive one in terms of positive energy and goodwill. I took the "validation" which I literally thought must be a sign I was on the right path regarding the commitment I have to 32 Favors and braved the rain again. Her small act of kindness motivated me to continue this project, without investment in the outcome; simply asking how I may be of service each day.

I returned to the flower shop and took some photos of the dedicated team of workers. They offered me flowers as a thank you for helping and I said I would return the following day, Valentine's, to take the flowers to a friend who had a rough year. Whew! What a day...I may have been cold and wet from the rain but I was warm and light inside all from a day which showed me kindness comes from the most unexpected sources and when we least expect it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 6

Today's favor was about being humble. I received a request asking me to buy three strangers a cup of coffee. I wrestled with how to accomplish this task and ultimately decided to choose an option allowing for anonymity. After an amazing evening of seeing friends, I went into a small coffee shop, far away from my usual routine and ordered a cup of coffee. While paying, I told the clerk to please use the extra 20 single bills given to him towards the next three cups of coffee purchased by the next three people behind me in line. He looked at me puzzled for a moment and then smiled warmly . He asked what he should say to the three customers and I said to say, "This is a favor from someone wishing him or her a great day." I asked him to create some sort of distraction allowing me time to leave before the next order got rung-up. He smiled again and nodded.

As I stood outside under the awning, peering through the window behind my aviator frames, I saw the genuine displays of surprise and delight as the clerk repeated word-for-word what I said. Each favor recipient was similar to one another in the order of expressed emotion: confusion, surprise, happiness. It was only a small act of kindness and what occured to me was that if this small act caused such joy, imagine the impact and effect on the whole of our global community if each day each person received one kind act without needing to ask for a favor. So often we find ourselves saying, "I don't have enough time." How does one define enough? Is there really a day ever in which we do not have "enough" time to be kind? Being kind means meeting another where he or she is at in life. It means not expecting another to be different; it means embracing another as a part of you. You don't have to buy a stranger coffee, but you can; you don't have to be humble, but you can; you don't have to be a part of something bigger than yourself, but you can. It is a small shift in energy to go from scarcity of internal resources to abundance. We all have and we all deserve an abundance of kindness. Let's start each day by accessing that abundance and see where our kindness takes us!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 5

Today's favor focused on forgiveness. Sometimes the real purpose behind an event or choice differs drastically from our original assumptions. A friend requested I join her at a support group for the evening. I agreed and quickly discovered that accepting her invitation was actually a favor to me. One of my past Pilates clients asked that her favor be for me to take care of myself for one day, however that looked. I thought I would save it and use it for a day of pampering; perhaps a mani-pedi, massage or just sleeping-in late. Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the notion that taking care of me might mean looking at the real me without judgment. Often it is easy to pass judgments because it offers us a way to categorize things and to assign value or priority which then helps us to allocate our finite resources of time, energy and and desire. However, what if it was possible to remain free of judgment and instead of deem something as having positive or negative value, we instead sat still with our judgments beside us rather than within us and remained neutral? This sense of neutrality at first may raise alarm or a false label of denial. This is not denial; this is quiet; this is forgiveness; this is peace. Chaotic value-assumptions are noisy in relation to our peace of mind but they are specific and finite; neutrality is infinite. It knows no beginning and no end; it just is and waits until called to action. The waiting of the process allows us to process and to free ourselves from rash and quick decisions motivated by fear which may then lead to feeling guilty or angry about said decisions. It is a vicious cycle of malcontent and the way to stop the cycle is to take the time to pause, be still, not judge and forgive ourselves for what we have not done. I am so grateful for the invitation from my friend and the gift of self-care from my client; both offered me the greatest favor one may give to oneself: love.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 4

Today's favor is about gratitude. I received a request from a woman who asked me to please help her find a way to send flowers to her husband for Valentine's Day. She said he is an incredible father and husband and that due to recent economic events she did not have enough money to send him even a small surprise. What I heard in her request was the desire to show thankfulness. This wonderful couple goes out of their way to help their neighbors and friends and family. An example is having their senior previous-neighbor over for dinner frequently since she recently lost her home to foreclosure. After speaking to several people about the kindness demonstrated by the couple, one private donor offered to fund the flower delivery. Delivery is scheduled for this Friday, February 13 and I will post pictures and feedback from the favor recipient as soon as I receive them.

Good things do happen to good people when we remember kindness given is kindness received

Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 3

Today's favor touched me deeply. A young woman suffers from leukemia and a brain tumor and is currently undergoing radiation treatment. The prognosis from her doctors is anything but positive and time is of the essence regarding any sort of outreach to her.

Friends of the family started an email campaign to request greeting cards for the patient during her hospital-stay from friends, family and even complete strangers. I received a Favor request from one of the friends to send a get-well card to this brave teenager.

As I perused the aisle of greeting cards in the drugstore I discovered there were very few "get-well" cards that did not carry the guaranteed sentiment of "I know you will fully recover." This girl knows her health is failing...who am I to offer her a promise that may not deliver? She may recover and she may not. Something told me I needed to find card that offered her encouragement and compassion and that also told her I believed in her ability to handle anything she may encounter during her battle with these afflictions. Locating the perfect card took about 10 minutes. I'm attaching photo of the finished product and will be happy to pass along her full contact information for anyone wishing to send her positive thoughts and kind words.

Completing this favor made me face the issue of mortality and was especially difficult in light of the patient's age. So many things within this world leave us scratching our heads in disbelief and confusion. Loss of life is no different. Perhaps the best approach to explore a complex issue is the simplest. I lost a close friend to leukemia when he was only ten years old. Right before he left this world, he left me with this simply profound answer to the question of why it was his time to die: "We are all like library books. Some of us get checked out and renewed over and over again and others of us are returned to the library we came from after only a very short time." Apparently, he had read that analogy in an inspirational book during his hospital stay and the idea offered him much comfort. In retrospect, I share the notion that we are all books; all filled with seeming unique pages and stories to tell and yet we all return to the library eventually. We need to remember our underlying commonality when faced with perceived divisive differences. A shift in perception yields our way back to one another and to remembering the peace within each of us.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 2

Today's favors varied by zipcode and specific requests. However, the underlying content was the same: kindness.

The day started out in Los Feliz with me meeting with a devoted physician who wants to forward information about the 32 Favors to some of his disadvantaged patients. These individuals need assistance navigating the system in order to receive the level of care needed to thrive. He and I brainstormed ways to facilitate connecting patients with available resources which can appear quite limited to those without the benefits provided by health insurance. His passion for his patients inspired me to look at additional ways to promote this idea with an even greater fervor than yesterday. 32 Favors is bigger than just me wanting to be helpful in a small way; it is about all of us as a global community coming together to offer a hand to those struggling; it is about us seeing others as a part of us and knowing we are not separate; if one suffers, our global community suffers. Likewise, if one thrives, we all thrive. I left the meeting with the physician filled with hope and determination to reach out to anyone in need.

My next stop was Santa Monica. A woman requested I come and help her organize her closet. This seemed like a simple Favor and one I gladly agreed to since I have personal experience that de-cluttering a closet can be the perfect catalyst for clearing one's thoughts. On my way over to her apartment I called to confirm our meeting time. During our brief conversation I mentioned having a masters in psychology and a background in life coaching. She seemed elated at hearing this and asked if we could just talk instead of work on the closet. I told her it's her favor and that we can spend the time however it is most helpful to her.

I arrived at her apartment and was met with a warm embrace and smile. She seemed delighted to have me there and I felt honored to be asked to come and help her in some way. Within a short period of time we were deep in conversation and I was struck by how kind of a woman she was and how it did not seem that she saw her real value. We chatted for several hours, during which we explored some of her past romantic relationships and also discussed some of her current dating prospects. She told me painful stories from her childhood and we delved into ways her past was affecting her present. Again, I was blown away with her poise and genuine caring nature and wondered why she did not seem to recognize all of the amazing qualities she offered any potential suitor. Time and time again with both men and women as Pilates clients and previously with life coaching clients I witnessed the same thing: issues of feeling discounted by loved ones in childhood manifesting into a general lack of self worth and esteem as adults. She kept thanking me for listening and for offering constructive feedback and all I kept saying in my mind was, "I hope she knows she is worthy of this kindness." When I left her place, all I could think about was how important it is in life to learn to accept kindness from others. So often we discount what is said in a seeming attempt to be modest. However, I wonder if the actual motivation is that we do not believe we deserve kindness unless we have suffered first. How amazing would it be to experience kindness without needing to have endured pain?

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! Stay tuned for the next day of Favors...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Favor 1: For my Grandma

For the first Favor, my grandmother requested I post this photo of me taken in Hawaii. It captures one of the happiest days and experiences of my life. I think her hope was to remind me of that happiness and to encourage me to revisit the feelings of joy, excitement and wonder. Out of a lottery of hotel guests I was chosen to join a group of other guests to have a dolphin experience which meant I was allowed to swim with and hold a baby dolphin named Malia. Never being the biggest fan of water, I hesitated before dipping my toe in, but upon seeing little Malia, all the trepidation vanished and I let go and dove in. The facilitators of the program taught us how to have Malia jump up and grab floating rings out our hands. It was an experience beyond words and could only be topped be me being allowed to cradle and hold the baby dolphin in my arms on the edge of the lagoon. Thank you grandma for asking me to do this as the first favor. Hopefully this photo will bring a smile to others and remind all of us we are most connected when we are the most free.

I will post grandma's feedback soon.

Asking for Help

It occurred to me early this morning as I lay half-awake next to my MacBook continuously refreshing my empty email Inbox that I may have overlooked a crucial flaw in human psychology: the belief that asking for help equates with weakness. I received many encouraging responses to the 32 Favors project, but very few actual requests. Why is it that we believe it is an indication of lack rather than greatness of our character if we ask for a helping hand? During this tough economy we can all use a lift, even of the smallest kind and this is the main purpose behind my idea for the Favors. While pondering this notion, I decided to call a friend and share the idea with her. She was thrilled with it and together we brainstormed ways to make the favor-asking easier for people and to build the momentum of goodwill by having each favor recipient suggest a new recipient for me to help and hopefully create a chain of goodness. She then listed out three people she wants to add to my list. After hanging-up with her, I posted an ad on craigslist detailing the 32 Favors idea under the barter section and soon found my Inbox filling up with requests. It is hard to believe that only a few hours earlier I sat staring at an empty screen and now find myself reading through messages of praise, encouragement and specific requests. The common response has been: "This is the most positive thing I have heard of in a long time. I'm forwarding it to all of my family and friends!" Only time will tell how many will be touched by these Favors. Stay tuned for updates and keep the requests coming!

Friday, February 6, 2009

32 Favors in 32 Days

It just occurred to me how I may be able to start in a small way to help the global community!
Right now due to the economy I have a huge asset not being realized: my time! I propose to do one favor per day for any interested party for the next 32 days. Why 32? Its one more day than the longest number of days in a month. Anyone can get him or herself out of the way for a month. This is my chance to give back. So, what are you waiting for? Send me an email to with a favor you need done. Just include your name, the favor to be done and the person receiving the favor (if known).

Once the favor is done, I will ask the recipient to send me to someone new that they would like to have a favor done for. Hopefully, this will have a domino effect! It can be as simple as helping to look-up something on Google or as complex as deciding on the perfect outfit for a first date or to help you help another friend or stranger. Ask me to volunteer with your favorite charity, to buy a stranger coffee, to help plan your meals for the week...The only limit is your imagination.

My only requests are the following: please be concise in your request; please only ask for positive, family-friendly favors (no R-rated requests or content); please be willing to have the request be public (your name will not be used) and lastly please try and keep the request feasible based on my current situation (I live in LA, I am on a budget). Anything else goes! Oh and one last thing, please be willing to write a short email about your experience of having your favor done for me to share on this blog (again your name will not be used unless you choose to do so)

Today is Friday and for the next 32 days, I'm your Girl Friday. I will post photos and stories about each favor. Ideally, I want to touch the lives of at least 32 people, but lets not stop there...forward this to friends, colleagues, etc and lets start a collective collaboration of goodwill.

There Must Be a Better Way

OK, so how does one get to the "better?" It starts with acknowledging the current approach is not working. For me, that became very evident right before the holidays at the end of 2008. Even though I work as a rehab Pilates instructor, I realized my own body, mind and spirit were not integrated. How can I teach others to do what I have been unable to do so far? It is said that you teach best what you most need to learn and I had been exploiting that premise and thought that as long as I was helping others, everything else would fall into place. However, by neglecting my "self" I was not practicing the skills I told my students were essential to live a balanced life. I became so consumed with wanting to work that I skipped meals, did not partake in cardio exercise, slept little and stressed over everything. All I wanted was to be the perfect teacher and to do my best with my business. A health scare was just the wake-up I needed to reinvest in my overall health and wellbeing. Luckily everything turned out OK, but the prospect of mortality coupled with helpful feedback from friends and family inspired me to change. I began with small steps: breakfast every day, a short hike or jog every other day. I have always been thin but was horrified to realize how weak I was in terms of cardio fitness. Over the course of one month, I saw amazing results. I had more energy, was less pale, felt stronger overall and found it much easier to think clearly. I began to crave my daily cardio fix and fell in love with hiking.

Hiking is a way for me to unwind and focus at the same time. My favorite spot is Runyon Canyon in Los Angeles and there is this one particular rock I seek out each time I crest the top of the trail. This has become my rock. It is a place to think and dream and a place to just listen. The past few weeks have been nothing short of a roller-coaster and so I found myself alone with my rock frequently. Looking down on the city below helped me to get myself out of the way of my current circumstances and to be open to any opportunity presenting itself. The idea that keeps coming back into my mind is to write and to encourage others to write as well. Maybe through collaborating we can all share an epiphany of a greater consciousness and peace.

The First Entry of the Rest of my Blog

I finally bit the bullet and decided to join the blog-verse. This blog will feature insights and stories I gathered since beginning to journal in 2001 and since beginning to teach Pilates-based exercises in 2004. I constantly tell my clients to find their "balanced place" and this will chronicle my own journey to discover mine. I have seen some amazing things through my teaching and have literally had a client walk into my studio on crutches and leave walking. I'm not sure why I chose today to start other than the fact I changed my status on Facebook to: Nanci deserves better! This is a part of the better. Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world," and if my shift in perception leads to a collective awakening then what better time than right now to begin the better? We all deserve better!

Last night I had a dream: I dreamed about standing at the starting line of a high hurdle race and being terrified to begin since I thought I would surely fall as I did not know how to run over a high hurdle. I almost walked away from the line but something inside of me told me to go and run my best. I did and I ended up falling and being hurt. I knew I had a choice at that moment: I could stay on the ground and focus on the pain and defeat or I could pull myself up and try again and again until I learned how to finish the race. At that instant I saw an image of me where I was dressed in modest clothes and I saw many faces before me and heard many different languages. What I understood to be the commonality between all of these people was their feeling and fear of pain. They lined up one by one and asked me to help them with their pain; at first the task seemed too overwhelming but after closing my eyes and asking for help to do my part, I found I had abundant energy to reach out to each person. Within a very short time I accomplished the seeming impossible and each and every person who sought my help received what they were seeking. I am not sure how to do my part in the global community, but I do hope this blog will help to reveal the path and next steps to be taken by me.