Saturday, February 7, 2009

Asking for Help

It occurred to me early this morning as I lay half-awake next to my MacBook continuously refreshing my empty email Inbox that I may have overlooked a crucial flaw in human psychology: the belief that asking for help equates with weakness. I received many encouraging responses to the 32 Favors project, but very few actual requests. Why is it that we believe it is an indication of lack rather than greatness of our character if we ask for a helping hand? During this tough economy we can all use a lift, even of the smallest kind and this is the main purpose behind my idea for the Favors. While pondering this notion, I decided to call a friend and share the idea with her. She was thrilled with it and together we brainstormed ways to make the favor-asking easier for people and to build the momentum of goodwill by having each favor recipient suggest a new recipient for me to help and hopefully create a chain of goodness. She then listed out three people she wants to add to my list. After hanging-up with her, I posted an ad on craigslist detailing the 32 Favors idea under the barter section and soon found my Inbox filling up with requests. It is hard to believe that only a few hours earlier I sat staring at an empty screen and now find myself reading through messages of praise, encouragement and specific requests. The common response has been: "This is the most positive thing I have heard of in a long time. I'm forwarding it to all of my family and friends!" Only time will tell how many will be touched by these Favors. Stay tuned for updates and keep the requests coming!

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